Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal in Delhi

Every day, people seek refuge in beauty and cosmetic centers just to enhance their appearance, trying to look the best version of themselves. People, especially women who are beauty fanatics want to remove every hindrance on the path of their beautiful selves. One such major obstacle that could prevent people from looking like a dream is unwanted facial and body hair. Women are affected more with facial and body hair as it could prevent them from wearing short dresses or make them awkward in social and even personal situations. Thus, women constantly feel a need and an added burden of removing them periodically with methods such as waxing, shaving, epilating and use of depilatory creams.

However, all these methods of permanent hair reduction come with their own set of side effects such as irritation, ingrown hair and even darkening of your precious hair. However, with the advent of laser hair removal, all these problems have been solved. Laser hair removal has been known to gain a lot of popularity in the past few years for reducing the body and facial hair permanently with just a few sessions.

What is the method of permanent hair reduction?
Laser hair removal is the most common and widely chosen cosmetic procedure preferred by women to solve their problem of excessive hair growth. In the procedure of laser hair removal, highly concentrated light is beamed into the follicle of the hair. The pigments present in the hair follicle absorb the light that leads to destroying of that hair follicle. The speed of laser takes a fraction of seconds and thus can target a large area at the same time leaving your skin silky smooth. Following steps are taken during the laser procedure

  • Your hair is trimmed to few cms above the skin and the laser equipment are adjusted as per your skin, coarseness and colour of the hair.
  • You will be given eye gear to protect your eyes and then a cold gel or special cooling device is applied or placed respectively to protect the outer layers of your skin.
  • In the next step, your skin is punched with a laser beam for several minutes to ensure every inch of your target area is covered.
  • After the procedure, you are given ice packs and anti-inflammatory medicines to reduce the redness and the soreness.

What are the advantages of laser hair removal?

Precision and Speed:
the laser is known to selectively target the hair that is coarser without damaging the surrounding skin. Similarly, the laser can remove hair from the targeted area within the shortest time, depending upon the area

Permanent hair removal:
the laser is known to selectively target the hair that is coarser without damaging the surrounding skin. Similarly, the laser can remove hair from the targeted area within the shortest time, depending upon the area

Skin-friendly method:
laser, unlike other procedures, does not cause any harm to your skin or change the color of your skin like other methods of hair removal.

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